Week 10 Practical Activity

The layout of my blog is rather clean and easy to read. It uses a great deal of white space, attracting attention to the words. The headings do not necessarily attract attention, but they do clearly label each entry.

I have completed all activities but Week 10 Technical activity, which I shall finish next.

I believe this assessment was easy to complete, but also easy to do wrong. Perhaps if the weekly tasks had been enforced, more effort would have been submitted into many blogs. After reviewing other blogs, I feel as if my work isn’t as great as everyone else’s, but I have also found a few which remain incomplete.

I feel a major difficulty with this assignment was motivation. I substituted it for panic, and for the past few weeks I’ve used a small laptop I have to write the activities’ answers. Unfortunately, it had neither USB ports nor internet access, so I couldn’t just copy everything into my blog after I’d finished tweaking everything. However, I’m finally done. Nearly.

Week 10 Practical Activity

Week 10 Inquiry Activity

The website I like the design of is https://roosterteeth.com.

The text shown is large and easy to read, allowing for easy understanding. Excluding the videos, the only colours used are red black and white. These colours are those used in the logo, associating the whole site with the company. The colour white is evident in the white space too, which spreads out the text and videos so that the home page is not cluttered up. Scrolling down the page, it can be found to be rather balanced. There is almost always something on each half of the screen.

Week 10 Inquiry Activity