Week 6 Inquiry Activity

The Press kit for Amaluna contains a show overview, a list of the acts, an overview of the main characters, information on the costumes, information on the music, information on set design, the creators’ biographies, information on the mobile village, some fast facts, a brief history of Cirque du Soleil and a list of shows they will be performing this year.

The show overview, list of acts and main character overview could be used to introduce the story and provide context. The information about the costumes, music and set design could be used as the body of the story, explaining how the show is made. The creators’ biographies could be useful for introductions for quoting. The fast facts, brief history and village information could be used at the end of the article, for those interested in learning more.

Week 6 Inquiry Activity

Week 6 Quizes

Quiz A

I did not have much difficulty with this quiz. I found the punctuation covered simple to understand.

Quiz B

Question five confused me, as I believed the last two answers were incorrect. I misinterpreted question six, believing that the ‘shortening’ was due to something being removed. Question eight confused me, as I found very little reason to use any of the words paired with hyphens.

Week 6 Quizes